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A ≡ A is a theatrical dance performance with video projections. To try to reach as many facets of the subject identity, A ≡ A was built in three acts, where the second act would be viewing the short film created especially for the show, titled "Wooden Suit."


The opening is a choreography entitled "prologue" that is followed by "dance-scenes" constructed each one from a "layer" of the concept of identity. We begin by family, body, sex, bureaucracy, virtual identity, social class boundaries, spirituality and death. Citations of text from the book of memories "Girl without a star" by Nelson Rodrigues, and "The Book of Disquiet" by Fernando Pessoa, are interpreted among the "dance-scenes" as well as elements of performance art.


The idea behind A ≡ A is not that the public rationalize each theme developed in the choreography and scenes, but the thrill of instigating some experience: a laugh, a chill, or the strangeness own identification.

A ≡ A

CONTÉM dança

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